Do you know someone who would fit this role?
LITE is a dynamic and innovative registered charity that creates job experiences for people in Winnipeg who are held back from opportunities due to social and economic circumstances. LITE supports the growth and vitality of the social enterprise sector, as well as operates its own small social enterprise. We are largely funded by the generosity of donors and aim to continually increase our earned-revenue potential with the ultimate goal of creating more job, training, and small business opportunities with the communities we serve. We are a partnership-based organization and promote creative collaborations between business, non-profit and social enterprises across Winnipeg.
LITE is recruiting board members who can lead LITE into a future that we envision as more innovative, and more entrepreneurial – both in activity and outcomes.
Full volunteer listing and position information can be found below.
LITE Board member volunteer job description 2023
To express interest, please email résumé to info [at] lite [dot] mb [dot] ca by Friday July 7, 2023.